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Monday, October 19, 2015
Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women in Canada
The image above shows just a tiny fraction of Canada's murdered and missing indigenous women. There are over 1000 unsolved cases of murdered and missing indigenous women and the Canadian government has done nothing to address the problem.
According to Prime Minister Stephen Harper these murdered women are not high on his list of priorities. Apparently his biggest priority right now is racial profiling of Muslim women who like to wear niqabs - which is basically the dumbest election issue I have ever heard of. It would be like persecuting Jews for wearing a Yamaka or a Kippah, and shows that the Conservative Party of Canada is basically just a bunch of racists.
Want to know how racist the Conservatives are? Let me show you an example below...
Wow. Two communities ask for medicine and vaccines and the Conservative government decides to send body bags instead. Read about it below in two articles from 2009:
Clearly this is a civil rights issue when your own government ignores pleas for help.
And ignores the hundreds of unsolved cases of murdered women.
And while we are at it, lets talk about drinking water on Native reserves in Canada... There are locations in Canada which have been boiling their drinking water for 10 years or more before the Conservative government refuses to fix the problem.
And it is not a matter of money. They money is already there. They are simply refusing to fix the problem because they keep using clean drinking water as a bargaining chip when dealing with aboriginal communities.
An effing bargaining chip.
People are dying from water-borne diseases, dying from flu epidemics, getting killed by what apparently must be racist serial killers, and the government is using clean drinking water as an effing bargaining chip.
If I was a Native man or woman, I would be tempted to poison Stephen Harper's drinking water. See how he likes it. But we don't and you know why? Because we Canadians are so polite they would never do it. The concept of a "Canadian assassin" is basically an oxymoron. They do not exist. They are as rare as purple unicorns.
Canadians rather politely refuse to assassinate our leaders. It is the reason why no Canadian PM has ever been assassinated. Ever.
Don't believe me? Look at the wiki page which shows the list of Canadian prime ministers and how they died.
Stroke, heart attack, natural causes, cancer, all pretty normal stuff. Pneumonia and Parkinson's were the most unusual two things on the list.
Americans however apparently cannot go 10 years without assassinating a president or at least an attempted assassination. President Obama has had 5 separate assassination attempts on his life.
Stephen Harper is so worried about Muslim terrorists that he is spouting nonsense about tiplines for "barbaric cultural practices". But what he really should be worried about is Canadians saying "enough is enough" and poisoning his food.
Fun Fact - Shark attacks kill more Canadians than terrorists attacks and there are no sharks in Canada.
civil rights,
The Rude Granddaughter from Grand Torino
If you've never seen the film Grand Torino starring Clint Eastwood, I suggest you do so. The film is great for a variety of different reasons.
One of the reasons is the portrayal of the rude/greedy granddaughter in several scenes, which you can watch in the two video clips below.
What is also fascinating is the comments on the two videos, which for convenience sake I have copy pasted some of comments below... For the full list of comments see the YouTube pages in question to see what you are missing.
If you are offended by any of the comments people made, go ahead and leave your comments on YouTube. Don't leave them here.
List of Comments for 1st Clip

2 months ago
he didn't need a whinny granddaughter to help him out lol!

If my daughter acted like that to my father she'd get a slap across the face from him, and then one from me.

I work with teenagers and sadly some of them do act like this, an entire generation of children who have never been told no, had to deal with losing at competition, or heard the word no. Yes the movie is a bit exaggerated but it's not too far off. Thanks for commenting. :)

My grandad died 4 years ago. There are some many persons that dont appreciatte their grandparents. I miss you granpa!

how is the top ear piercing for whores?
i thought the belly button pierce an the tramp stamp was for whores

I actually found out the actress who played her was 22 at the time of its release! Meaning she's legal! She sure doesn't look it though

if you're from a well bred Canadian family it's easy to underestimate the rotten state of modern society

@acenspades Well, personality says she's a bitch and, therefore, not hot. It cancels out whatever looks she has. Fuck her into submission - yes. Make love - No.

There's being a teenager and being a disrespectful dipshit. No amount of overlap takes away the distinction.

@MarkAnthony27 Don't know. Some people dress like they are going to the club when they are actually going to the church. So this lady here lacks dignity and respect for her dead grandmother and dresses like she's going to the club instead of a funeral. There are so many people like that these days. Morality is going down.

Would you people chill out, I've seen teens dress and act way worse than her. And 50's guy, stop living in the past, women can dress how they want. I thought she was a great actress who protrayed a real life teenager. Did any of you see how her mother was, nobody ever stop to think that kids pick things up from their parents, no you didn't cuz you blame the kid. Now at a funeral, yeah she would've dressed nicer, but like I said, that's a teenager.

ah the 50s a time when women looked very elegant and men looked very smart and handsome in their neat clothes.

I have a 5 year old and one on the way. Either of them act like that and they're going to know about it!

+Gehrman The First Hunter or he doesn't paint any idiotic flames like some white trash hillbilly. hahaha

+long live the beard Initially I hate all kids. Sometimes they pass. But, mostly they don't

+Lazyboy5298 Nice girl who's name is LazyBoy. I think you got a surprise or two. XD (JK)

+moonlily1 Pegged?
You wish you could peg me moony.Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm straight.

NRFun, I agree that scene at the end was pure brilliance. I mean the movie was just great but that last scene with the ungrateful bitch teenager was just amazing.

That's 2-3 hard workers raised by a decent parent vs thousands upon thousands of parasites with their hand out, raised by idiots.

I'm glad he spit in front of her like that. In addition, I'd rather be gay than have any relation WHATSOVER with that little self-centered bitch!

Fuckin bitch! Why don't you go back home and start sucking dicks for nickels so you can pay for your own damn furniture

when she asked,"what are you going to do with it when you die", i thought,"im gonna rearange the parts to make a drill that takes your ass to hell where it belongs!"

@2wingo I see what you mean she would put poison in it. Then how about in a mine? Not much she can do there except make it collapse on her.

Agreed. You can't save them all but at least I won't have to worry about my kids and hopefully later family generations from becoming those kinds of people.

Apologize to nothing! I stand my ground,you are PHONY..PHOOOONNNNYYYY PROVE ME WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm glad they didn't give that granddaughter much screen time... seeing her dressed like that at a funeral, pretty much wanting her own grandfather to die just for the car, and even worse... especially at a family gathering, and still mourning the soul of her grandmother, saying that she can't get a signal on her cell.. like what a bitch!

If that was my grand daughter id physically shove the little twat out of my shed.... thats my sacred patch of land bitch.. I aint leaving you in there!

well oviously the parents cant raise kids for shit. seriously theres so many people out there who raise kids with no respect for themselves or fucking does my head in! fucking happy the bitch gets nothing in the end

I thought Dreama Walker did a great job of portraying the majority of teenage girls that are out there today. Good acting, girl!

iI had no hat,FAKER,if you are Mr/'s easy to make a damn vid and prove me wrong,mulefucker,if you make a vid,I will take back what i've said mulefucker

You don't EVER ask a loved one what they're going to do with their stuff when they die, it's a basic rule. Worst part is I've seen bimbo's and dickheads who are like this in real life, sad.

I was so FUCKING HAPPY when I found out that Thao inherited the car instead of this cock juggling thunder cunt of a granddaughter.

good actress, she managed to convince everyone to hate her so much despite having very little screen time

@TheSighGuy I meant that she's probably got so many STDs you catch something by being in the same room as her.

translated from bitch tongues to english, grandpa when are you gonna die because i really want your car and couch. I am getting impatient

@SuperClintEastwood and @ 84Bronco351.... you two are just stupid to actually fight on the internet....I say both of u to just leave and not spam this video ya pussies

This is exactly what some of this modern generation doesn't realize. How some grandparents lived through the depression and WWII and all of a sudden, you have this generation with their illiteracy and a selfish, stuck up attitude. I am going to raise my kids just as my grandfather raised my dad and he raised me. Hopefully, that will add 2-3 extra well-mannered, hardworking adults to society.

0:37 Bitch you cant have my couch.
Now what I find interesting is the visceral hatred for the greedy/rude granddaughter, who is a fictional character. Not a real person. And yet she elicits such hatred you would think that she is a real person.
And such violence too.
I mean okay, yes, she is greedy and rude, but that is no reason for people to post comments like "I'd rape her". Wow. That is just sick.
It makes you realize that many of the people leaving those comments are really no better than some of the horrible characters in the film - violent psychopaths.
And if you managed to make that conclusion, what you also realize is that many of the people commenting don't deserve a "gran torino" either. Granddaughters from Gran Torino are apparently not the only ones who are rude and greedy and unworthy.
The Gran Torino is not a prize. It is a metaphor for someone who is pure of heart.
It is a bit like picking up Thor's hammer Mjolnir... "You are all not worthy," says Thor.
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